วันเสาร์ที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556
Anti aging : Pinto beans
Beans, beans, they're good on your current heart, the more you eat much more you, well, you get the theory. Beans often get a bad reputation given that they can make you gassy, but they're truly one of the great dietary staples. They're packed with low-fat protein, especially for people who don't eat meat. They also contain fiber (which will assist lower cholesterol), are rich inside antioxidants, and are chock full of numerous vitamins and minerals, including material, vitamin B and potassium.
Also, some beans -- including soy besides kidney beans -- contain protease inhibitors besides genistein, which are thought to assist protect against cancer. Studies indicate, for instance, that people who had high examples of genistein had the lowest costs of breast and prostate malignancies.
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