วันเสาร์ที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

Human growth hormone: Does it slow aging?

Hgh growth hormone is described by some because key to slowing growing older. Before you sign up, find the facts — and understand proven approaches to promote healthy aging.

Growth hormone is created by the pituitary gland — a pea-sized structure for the base of the brain — to be able to fuel childhood growth and assist maintain tissues and organs through life. Beginning in middle era, however, the pituitary gland slowly reduces the number of growth hormone it produces. This natural slowdown has prompted an interest in using synthetic human growth hormone (HGH) to prevent the realities of old era.

If you're skeptical, good available for you. There's little evidence to suggest growth hormone can help otherwise healthy adults regain youth and vitality.

Who needs to take growth hormone?

Synthetic human growth hormone, which need to be injected, is available only by means of prescription. It's approved to treat adults with true growth hormone deficiency — not the expected decline in growth hormone due to aging.

Growth hormone deficiency in adults is rare and will be caused by pituitary adenoma — a tumor within the pituitary gland — or treatment on the adenoma with surgery or radiotherapy. For adults with a growth hormone deficiency, injections of growth hormone can:

  • Increase bone density
  • Increase lean muscle
  • Decrease body fat
  • Increase work out capacity

Human growth hormone is usually approved to treat AIDS- or perhaps HIV-related muscle wasting.

What can growth hormone do for otherwise healthy adults?

Studies of healthy adults taking growth hormone are limited. Although it appears that growth hormone injections can increase muscle mass and reduce the number of body fat in healthy elderly adults, the increase in muscle doesn't result in increased strength. It isn't clear if growth hormone may provide other benefits to be able to healthy adults.

